Saturday, March 10, 2012

It Girl Boutique
Spring Line Preview
Upcycled 2 flower headband
Upcycled headband with
3 T shirt flowers
and knit/lace scarf
with "tuck in loop"
"Oops! Underskirt"
~ meant to be seen~
~ great for under those skirts that show
just a bit too much skin~
Oops! Underskirts in black and nude
Oops! Underskirts in white  
knit infinity scarf with bow
Upcycled T shirt scarf with
"tuck in loop" and ruffle

Reversible, Upcycled Apron with removable flower pin
~when reversed the terry towel is on top....for those messy jobs!~

Upcycled Tote with
removable flower pin
Upcycled cotton tote with
removable flower pin
Spring neck ruff with removable bow
~bow can be replaced with any ribbon or scarf for a
different look~